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Wander Wonder

Designs made with hand-drawn illustrations of a collection of animals known for their very long distance migrations. 


Pablo A. Padilla Jargstorf

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Wander Wonder


We live in an amazing corner of the universe. Full of life. Full of adventures.

And always on the move.


Have you ever considered how many of its inhabitants are indeed on the move? Looking for food and shelter, looking for mates, looking for partners, or to guarantee an offspring. Escaping danger or even a certain death.


Sometimes they move very little. But some of these journeys are truly mind blowing, travelling the most amazing distances to new corners of the world, or in the case of migrating species, retracing year after year journeys that are part of their life code, as much as their own DNA.



The recently published United Nations first ever report on migrating animals throws some starking figures which illustrate the pressures these species face in our current world, with 44% of the 1,189 species covered by a 1979 U.N. convention to protect migratory animals having experienced decline in numbers and as many as 22% potentially facing extinction 1.


Unplucked, together with the international artist Pablo A. Padilla Jargstorf, invites you to join our Wander Wonder, a collection inspired by all creatures on the move, big and small. Through land, through air, though water, they follow their call to embark on these epic journeys, sometimes with hardly any rest. Navigating with their own unique compasses. We bring you some of these adventurous heroes and look forward to sharing their stories with you.



Scientific Name: Sterna paradisaea.

Type: Bird.

Measurements: 33-35cm (length); 75-85 (wingspan).

Weight: 95-120g.

Average lifespan in the wild: 20 years.

Diet: Carnivore.

Migration span: a round trip journey of about 30,000 Km.

Threatened species




  • Arctic terns migrate from pole to pole, having the longest migration of all known creatures on Earth. This means a round trip of up to 35,000 km (22,000 miles) each year. 

  • Since the birds often live 30 years or more, the researchers estimate that, over its lifetime, an arctic tern migrates about 1.5 million miles (2.4 million kilometres)—equal to three trips to the moon and back.

  • Arctic tern colonies fall silent just as migration is about to begin- a behaviour called “dread”. After dread, all the birds in the colony lift off and leave their nests at once.

  • Arctic terns see more sunlight than any other animal on the planet thanks to their migration, that takes them from Summer to Summer.

  • Arctic terns sometimes steal prey from other birds by flying right at them and startling them.

  • Downy Arctic Tern hatchlings come in two colours: grey or brown. And chicks from the same nest aren't always the same colour



Scientific Name: Rangifer tarandus.

Type: Mammal.

Measurements: 1.6 to 2.1 metres.

Weight: 109 to 318 kilograms.

Average lifespan in the wild: 8 to 10 years.

Diet: Herbivore.

Migration span: a round trip of around 1200 Km.

Threatened species




  • Caribou hooves can change with the seasons, allowing them to walk on ice and snow in winter months, and becoming softer in milder weather.

  • Caribous consume shed antlers as dietary supplement.

  • Caribou are the only deer species that have hair covering their nose and the inside of their nostrils, helping warm the air they breathe in their cold living environments.

  • Caribou are excellent swimmers.


Scientific Name: Danaus plexippus.

Type: Invertebrate.

Measurements: Wingspan, 8.9 to 10.2 cm.

Weight: 0.25-0.75g.

Average lifespan in the wild: 6 to 8 months.

Diet: Herbivore.

Migration span: close to 5,000 Km.

Threatened species




  • A group of butterflies is called a Flutter.

  • Monarchs become toxic, but not lethal to birds by feeding on milkweed plants- Monarchs eat poisonous milkweed during their larval stage, which is stored in the body. The poison, cardiac glycosides, causes predators to vomit, although it rarely causes death.

  • The gold spots on Monarch Butterfly chrysalises are due to carotenoid pigments from their milkweed diet.

  • The entire egg-to-butterfly process, called metamorphosis, takes about a month.

  • At the Mexico wintering sites, butterflies roost in trees and form huge groups that may have millions of individuals.

  • Monarchs flap their wings about 5 to 12 times a second, which is about 300 to 720 times a minute.



Scientific Name: Megaptera novaeangliae.

Type: Mammal.

Measurements: 12–19 m.

Weight: 30,000 kg (Adult).

Average lifespan in the wild: 80-90 years.

Diet: Shrimp-like crustaceans and small fish.

Migration span: around 8,000 Km.

Threatened species




  • Humpback whales eat up to 3,000 pounds (1.4 metric tons) of food a day,

  • Sometimes Humpbacks will slap the surface of the water with their flukes or pectoral fins in order to stun prey with the shockwave.

  • Male humpback whales create and sing songs that can be heard up to 20 miles away.

  • When getting ready to make a deep dive Humpbacks will arch or hump their backs, which is how they earned their everyday name.

  • A Humpback Whale’s heart can reach almost 200 kg in weight – the equivalent of 3 fully grown men.

  • Its long pectoral fins inspired its scientific name, Megaptera, which means “big-winged”



Scientific Name: Homo sapiens.

Type: Mammal.

Measurements: 1.7m (Male) & 1.59m (Female), average.

Weight: 77Kg (Male) & 59Kg (Female), average.

Average lifespan in the wild: Great variation, depending on genetics, life choices, geographical location and socio economic status.

Diet: Omnivore





  • Throughout our evolutionary history, we humans have always been on the move- first as unsettled, roaming, hunter gatherers. And once settled, we continued to move, for goods, for knowledge, for love. Sometimes in peace, sometimes in flight for our own lives. And will continue to do so, like animals that we are.

  • Humans' thinner body hair and more productive sweat glands help avoid heat exhaustion while running for long distances

  • Most humans have to rely on observational and technological developments to guide them through their journeys, not only for positioning purposes but also to measure time and distance.

  • Recent research efforts are trying to map our ability to use magnetic fields in our sense of place and direction, like other species on the planet.

  • From the estimated 8.75 million of living species on Earth (even though approximately 80% of those species are hypothetical1), humans are the only travelling creatures on our planet who have any understanding of the concept of crossing national borders.


1 Mora C, Tittensor DP, Adl S, Simpson AGB, Worm B. How many species are there on Earth and in the Ocean? PLoS Biol. 2011;9:e1001127. pmid:21886479



Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus nerka.

Type: Fish.

Measurements: Up to 84 cm.

Weight: 2.3 to 7 Kg.

Average lifespan in the wild: 3 to 5 years.

Diet: Omnivore.

Migration span: close to 1,600 Km.

Threatened species





  • Sockeye salmon are social fish and swim in runs together while making their way to mating grounds. They are also known to form social hierarchies during reproduction whereby the largest male fish are usually the most dominant.

  • Sockeye are blue tinged with silver in colour while living in the ocean.[3] When they return to spawning grounds, their bodies become red and their heads turn green.

  • A group of salmon is called a Bind or Run. Sockeye salmon are native to the western coast of North America and reside in the northern Pacific Ocean.Their strong sense of smell helps guide them back to their home stream.Scientists believe that salmon navigate by using the earth's magnetic field like a compass. When they find the river they came from, they start using smell to find their way back to their home stream. They build their 'smell memory-bank' when they start migrating to the ocean as young fish.

  • Females are responsible for parental care. They select, prepare, and defend a nest site until they die or are displaced. Males do not participate in parental care at all, and they move between females after egg deposition.

  • A baby sockeye salmon is called a fry.


About the Artwork

The portraits of each creature were carefully hand-drawn. This series of illustrations was created using only watercolour pencils and graphite pencils.



Sockeye Salmon


Monarch Butterfly




Humpback Whale




Arctic Tern




We like to consider Unplucked a collection of stories, boxes that once open transport you closer to one of those natural wonders we share our lives with. In the spirit of those cabinets of curiosities treasured by so many in the past. 

All these stories are unique in themselves, and at the same time share a common place and a connecting thread. 

To reflect that, UNPLUCKED brings you our own MOSAICS. Like looking through the lens of an observation instrument, before focusing on a particular corner of our world. Encapsulating both our curiosity to discover and our eagerness to collect. 

Generated from each one of our collections, but all sharing a deep connection, MOSAICS distill some of the essence of UNPLUCKED.


Collection's shop coming soon!

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